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Q&A: by Judd's Merged Meme

Sunday Stealing: Judd's Merged Meme

1. What were doing 10 years ago?
heart11.gif image by bams704 college student --partying, good time with friends, dramas with girl friends, family gatherings ---in short, I was a social butterfly ♥

2. Five snacks that you enjoy in a perfect, non weight-gaining world
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 ice cream
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 waffles
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 doritos
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 nachos
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 chocolates

3. Five things you would do if you were a billionaire:
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 build schools for unfortunate kids,
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 housing projects for deserving families (communities)
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 sponsor Scholarships for deserving students,
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 sponsor Hospital Bills for children with Cancer ---in the Philippines
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 the rest I'll spend on leisures with my family and friends

4. Three of your habits:
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 eating late at night
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 shop for something atleast once to twice a week
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 changing bedsheets, pillowcases, and towels atleast every day --if not, not more than 2 days..

5. Five jobs that you've have had: --listing only 3
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 PR manager in a Bar and Restaurant
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 part timer in an ads and printing company
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 Operations Manager of Meirin Shokuhin

6. Five places that you've lived: ---i can only list 3...
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 Angeles City, Philippines
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 Manila, Philippines
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 Tokyo Japan

7. Five things that you did yesterday:
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 walked with my lil girl
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 shopping at Nitori
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 window shopped at a Gadget Mall
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 Dinner at a Chinese Buffet
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 surf the internet

8. Five people you would want to get to know more about:
creambunny_starb.gif image by bams704 I don't wanna list names coz I have lots in my mind...

9. Abortion: for or against it? heart11.gif image by bams704 it's hard to give my exact answer but I believe it's a CHOICE that should be thought hundred times... are you aware of social and/or health issues that consider abortion???

10. Do you think the world would fail with a female president? heart11.gif image by bams704 I don't know, I don't think so...

11. Do you believe in the death penalty? heart11.gif image by bams704 NO

12. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? heart11.gif image by bams704 Yes but with conditions or maybe for medical purposes (before judging me, have knowledge first about the pros of marijuanas lol, )

13. Are you for or against premarital sex? heart11.gif image by bams704 Again, it's a CHOICE. I respect and admire those girls/boys who are waiting til they get married, but it really disappoints me when they get wild after and look for someone else lol.. Seriously judgmental and stereotype kind of people pisses me off..

14. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? heart11.gif image by bams704 if there are lots of happy same sex couples, why not.

15. Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA? heart11.gif image by bams704 i don't really care, I'm an Asian hehe

16. Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen? heart11.gif image by bams704 NO

17. Should the war in Iraq be called off? heart11.gif image by bams704 definitely YES

18. Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree? heart11.gif image by bams704 first time I heard about this, is this as same as mercy killing? ... but definitely I'm against to those healthy bastards who wants to commit suicide ...

19. Do you believe in spanking your children? heart11.gif image by bams704 NO

20. Do you worry that others will judge you from reading some of your answers? heart11.gif image by bams704 I don't care.. I'm just being honest =) PEACE!

Play and share your answers with us


  1. Loved your #15 :)

    Enjoy your Sunday!
    Join us for a funMonday Mayhem

  2. Nice Meme! I have always love ur blog Bambie. ANyway, added you in my roll!

  3. Natawa ako sa social butterfly. fly fly fly the butterfly pala buhay buhay mo before. ako tutubi hehehe

  4. hello tokyo! ang cool naman ng naging jobs mo dear.. gusto ko den yun pr manager :D


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