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Q and A: The 35 Questions part 1

Sunday Stealing: The 35 Questions X 2 Meme: Part One

1. How far away is the last person you kissed? 1327.gif image by bams704 downstairs

2. Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever? 1327.gif image by bams704 YES

3. Last person you were in a car with? 1327.gif image by bams704 mom, uncle chris, mr. T, lil Anz

4. Any plans for tomorrow? 1327.gif image by bams704 nothing special

5. How long does it take for you to take a shower? 1327.gif image by bams704 if it's only shower, 15-20 mins

6. Best friend or close friends? 1327.gif image by bams704 close friends (the more the merrier, they could be you bestfriends too right)

7. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? 1327.gif image by bams704 NAH
8. Did you kiss anyone friday? 1327.gif image by bams704 YES
9. Ever thrown up in public? 1327.gif image by bams704 YES

10. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW? 1327.gif image by bams704 going downstairs after this

11. Who was the last person you talked to? 1327.gif image by bams704 my lil dolly princess

12. What is the WORST subject they teach at school? 1327.gif image by bams704 for me, none but i do hate some subjects

13. Have you seen anyone lately that you don't get along with? 1327.gif image by bams704 NO
14. What is your favourite colour top to wear? 1327.gif image by bams704 BLACK
15. Have you ever been in a car accident? 1327.gif image by bams704 YES
16. What's the closest thing to you that's green? 1327.gif image by bams704 TOY

17. Where would you like to be right now? 1327.gif image by bams704 enjoying the heat of Summer in the Philippines

18. Write down some lyrics to the song you're listening to? 1327.gif image by bams704 wont you be my number two? me and number one are through ----

19. How many dogs do you have? 1327.gif image by bams704 NONE
20. Is anything bugging you right now? 1327.gif image by bams704 NONE
21. Is life going right for you now? 1327.gif image by bams704 YES
22. Is there someone you care about more than yourself? 1327.gif image by bams704 YES

23. What made you laugh today? 1327.gif image by bams704 My nephew and my lil girl playing

24. What was the last movie you watched? 1327.gif image by bams704 Transporter 3

25. Whats the last conversation you had about? 1327.gif image by bams704 can't remember but we had so much fun awhile ago at my cousin's house

26. What were you doing at 7:00 this morning? 1327.gif image by bams704 sleeping
27. Do you like your hair long or short? 1327.gif image by bams704 medium
28. Do you want to see somebody right now? 1327.gif image by bams704 YES
29. Do you like the rain? 1327.gif image by bams704 yes
30. Did you have a valentine this year? 1327.gif image by bams704 YES
31. The last person you kissed needs you at 3 am, would you go? 1327.gif image by bams704 YES
32. Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else? 1327.gif image by bams704 if i have to
33. Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you? 1327.gif image by bams704 NO

34. How do you feel about boys smoking? 1327.gif image by bams704 i don't really care but couldn't they just smoke at the smoking area?

35. Could you see yourself with someone forever? 1327.gif image by bams704 YES


  1. no dogs? no pets?
    just a while ago, a friend of ours offered a Jap Spitz as a pet, but we said no. I just can't live with animals lalo ni may baby. Hirap.

  2. @ Mrs Kolca
    good decision sis.. gastos lang mga pet and they also need love and care, goldfish na lang, easy pa alagaan ehehe

  3. Yeah! Another person who likes to wear black :)

    Have a great Sunday

    Join us for Monday Mayhem

  4. Same here,no pets at all(T_T)bawal sa apartment.Dati meron din kaming goldfish,kaya lang namamatay pag umuuwi kami ng matagalan sa bukid lol.


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