We may be unlucky to have been grown up in a broken family, without a mom by our side during our growing up years for some reasons that we fully understand and accepted, but we're so lucky, SO LUCKY and BLESSED to have a father like our Dad who's surrounded by supportive family and friends who have also been there to look after us, showered us with love and care. I never realized how our Dad ever love us so much when I become a mom. I can still remember all the things that we've been through -- thick and thin, good times and bad times -- and I love talking about them with Honeyb over and over. He's one of our favorite subject. Well according to my hubby, I'm more like him. At first I denied the similarities, but now I'm kinda loving what we share in common. We're cool, friendly, responsible parent, down-to-earth, cowboy, walk-out king and queen, happy-go-lucky (but i retired from that), not kuripot, open minded, matured, and a lot more that you'll ...