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Shogayaki or Ginger Pork

I'm currently the chef in the house although I'm not really a good cook.. Honeyb loves whatever I cook for him. There are days when we're just not in the mood to eat a home cook meal. Either we dine out or take out home-cooked like food from Origin Bento .

This was the food I ordered.

Japanese Shogayaki or Ginger Pork in english.

shogayaki or Ginger PorkShoga means ginger
Yaki means grill or fry

I could've have cook Shogayaki myself because it is so simple to cook. It is one of the most popular dishes in Japan. The main ingredient of course is ginger which really sets off the meat. You just have to add some seasonings to taste.

You might wanna cooking this to your loveone(s)... so simple...


  • 2 tbsp (or more, depends on how many pork, 1:2) grated fresh ginger
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsps mirin
  • 1 tbsp sake / rice wine
  • thinly sliced pork (up to you how many)

Mix the first 3 ingredients.
Marinate pork for 5 minutes.
Heat some oil in a frying pan (I prefer extra olive oil or no cholesterol oil)
Stir-fry the pork slices on medium heat.

Served ginger pork with shredded cabbage.


  1. Namiss ko naman ang mga food mo, tagal ko kasi nawala hehe. yum yum! I love beni-shouga and healthy din di ba? I also enjoy black sesam seeds on rice, haays gusto ko talaga punta jan hehe. musta na kayo ni anzu?

  2. Yes, it looks so easy to cook. By now, you must be familiar with Japanese style of cooking. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  3. Fave ni Yochan ang shogayaki--nago-okawari ng rice yan pag shogayaki ang ulam lol!Pati ako drooling tuloy!!


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