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Fresh Oyster

I've never eaten raw oyster anywhere else other than here in Japan. It's big, yummy and I'm sure it's clean and fresh, as in fresh...

I never had raw oysters before because I was scared to try them. The first time I tried them was just late last year (i can't remember). It was really good.

Never judge a book by its cover.


  1. Good for you! on the other hand, I'm still waiting until I can gather enough courage to try them. :)

  2. You photographed this very well! I don't eat oysters, but presentations like this would really make me go "wow."

    Food Trip Friday post

  3. I feel queesy looking at it...but you're probably right, don't judge a book by it's cover. Hmmm, so in hindsight, does it smell deep-sea fishy?

  4. I was afraid to eat raws way back but now a favorite.Masarap ang fresh oyster lalo pag 'mahal'.

  5. wow its looks so good but i haven't tried eatint that yet ;)

    NICE MEETING YOU Bambie!!! :)

  6. i love oysters and that looks incredibly delicious.

  7. comforting, warming and downright good.

  8. Yay!! Hubby has been trying to make me eat raw oysters pero hesitant ako kasi it looks nasty.. But since u tried it, I might try it too... HEhehehe... I'll take ur word for it..


  9. Hey Bambie,

    This oyster photo you have looks really tasty. I have always been a big fan of seafoods and this one just made me so so hungry now.


  10. pg ttgnan mo prang d nmn msrap pero sbi nga nla msrap daw. sna mtikman ko rn yan :D


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